Supporting Foster Children into Adulthood: The Option to Stay with Carers After 18

When a child reaches the age of 18, they are considered an adult in the eyes of the law. For many foster children, this means that their time in the foster care system has come to an end, and they must make the transition to independent living. However, there are some cases where a foster child may choose to remain with their foster carers after turning 18.
Embracing Hope and Empathy: My Journey Fostering an Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Child

Fostering is an extraordinary act of compassion and support, and my experience fostering an unaccompanied asylum-seeking child has been nothing short of life changing. Today, I want to share my heartfelt testimonial, aiming to shed light on the incredible journey of fostering an unaccompanied asylum-seeking child and inspire others to embark on this meaningful path.
How to Help Foster Children Thrive After the Holidays

The holiday season is filled with excitement, joy, and special memories, but for many children in foster care, the return to routine after the festivities can be a difficult transition. After the festivities wind down, foster children may feel a mix of emotions—sadness that the holidays are over, anxiety about returning to school or a new routine, and sometimes, a longing for the stability and consistency they crave.